Petition to Planning Inspectorate


In our previous blog post in September 2019 we reported that the Haytop Park owners had submitted an appeal against the AVBC Enforcement Notices issued in March 2019. There were no further developments. Now we have learned that a case officer has been recently appointed and preparations are under way for the matter to be considered by the Planning Inspectorate (PI). As we reported earlier, it is possible that there will be a public hearing and we will publish details of that when we have them.

Meanwhile, we are gathering signatures for a petition to be presented to the Inspectorate. The petition will request the PI to uphold the provisions of the two Enforcement Notices served on the site and lodge owners in March 2019 (see the documents section of this website for details). Residential lodges would then have to be removed and hard engineering works, such as gabion walls and terracing, would have to be undone and the area restored to its former contours. Consequent to an earlier court action concerning illegal tree felling, an equivalent number of replacements would have to be planted.

The essential supporting points in the petition are as follows:

  • the existing planning permissions of 1952 and 1966 expressly do not allow for the siting of twin unit lodges for residential or 12-month holiday use. The latter states that the site is unsuitable for permanent residences
  • the proposed development will result in a material change in the definable character of the use of the land – from a low-density naturalistic campsite to a small housing estate with an appearance of permanence (in recent First-Tier Tribunal [Property Chamber], the court was of the view that ‘to develop a site with 30 substantial twin-units would result in a permanent residential development of what are to all intents and purposes residential bungalows, is quite against the spirit of the reasoning set out in the 1966 consent.”)
  • development will result in a change to the character of the land
  • the site lies within Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site Buffer Zone, in a Conservation Area designated as a Special Landscape Area on land of ‘high landscape sensitivity’ which needs protecting
  • any development will affect the setting of Grade II listed Alderwasley Hall and historically important Alderwasley Mill
  • development of the site will result in further loss of trees (121 already unlawfully felled) which will add to the negative visual impact now created on the immediate setting of the World Heritage Site
  • development of the site will put rare and protected species of fauna and flora habitats at risk of further destruction (habitats already destroyed), introduce light pollution and increase traffic in immediate locality
  • site falls within drinking water safeguard zone – development has significant potential to negatively impact on surface water quality of River Derwent and downstream drinking water abstraction point
  • owners’ behaviour and history of their other developments nationally, gives no confidence in adherence to any agreement or conformity to regulations
  • not to uphold the ENs would allow for extensive permanent development on this site.

We realise that some of you reading this will not, by virtue of your location, be approached personally to sign the petition. If any readers do wish to support our cause we would ask you to kindly complete the form below so you can be recorded as petitioners. Your name and postcode only will be passed to the PI.

Should you need any clarification or more information about the petition please email your query to and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Finally, we thank you for your attention and would be grateful if you could circulate the link to this page ( to others who may be interested. Please continue to check this website for further information and developments.

Petition to Planning Inspectorate

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. wacagadmin

    We now have 95 signatures to the on-line petition. In the light of the latest information regarding COVID-19 we will restrict calling personally on local householders to gather more signatures to the hard copy. If you have not already signed please consider using the on-line form to show your support for the petition . More signatures make it more likely that the Planning Inspectorate will take notice of local objections to the development.
    If you have already signed then we thank you but would ask you to please encourage as many others as you can to do likewise.

  2. Ken and Lyn Burdekin

    We had a caravan on haytop for 5 years. I/we ken and Lyn Burdekin had conversation with the owner before he passed away. He was most adamant that the families aim for the area was to keep it as natural as possible, there were areas that he did not allow people only to walk in and to be left natural.
    He would be horrified at what has been done to this wonderful natural area.

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