Post from J Green

CLOPUD objections and legal opinion.

Time is short. The application AVA/2019/0268 is due to be decided on 24th June. If WACAG is to have a Barrister’s legal opinion on the situation they will have to move fast. In 2018 a legal opinion was used as the basis for submission of objections to AVA/2017/1336, which was refused by AVBC.

The response to the Gofundme web page ( has been somewhat disappointing, especially when we consider that more than 450 people signed a petition against Haytop’s development last year. It is accepted that not everyone can afford to be generous with donations but even if only half of those petitioners each gave a few pounds the target could be met.

It may be worth considering again the consequences if the Haytop developer succeeds with his plans. Looking at the aerial photos of the site on the Gallery page we can see that there are hard standings for less than 30 units. None can be put on the central brown area so at least 30 of these large lodges will have to be sited on the area between the existing ones and the river bank. That means extensive clearing of trees will be necessary for hard standings, roads, parking places, etc. There will also be street lights across the whole  site, and when combined with the lights from the lodges the view of Haytop at night will be vastly different from what it was in the past.

We should thank those who have been able to make donations up to now. However, I would urge all who care about our local environment and heritage to contribute what they can to the fund for the Q.C., ask their friends an neighbours to consider doing likewise, and submit objections to AVBC if you have not already done so.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. LF

    Yes, please everyone, if you care about our Valley make a donation as soon as you can. Every little helps, and if every household could spare say £10, this would raise enough funds to get this vital legal opinion from the Barrister.

    Spread the word far and wide folks.

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