Planning Inquiry Update

Provisional dates for the Planning Inspector’s sitting have been agreed. She will hear the evidence on 26 – 29 January and 1 -2 February 2021. The venue has not been announced but we would expect it to be in or near Ripley. WACAG will be represented by a barrister from Landmark Chambers, Fleet Street, London. Any member of the public may also make a request to speak at the Inquiry but in order to do so they must be present at the opening session, when the Inspector will usually take such requests and allocate time accordingly. At some stage the Inspector will make a site visit to Haytop Park but we have requested that she should also view the site from various points in Whatstandwell.  

AVBC have now listed their Statement of Case and other documents on their website. These can be found on the Planning Appeals page of AVBC Planning Portal (, under AVA/2019/0268 (Appeal ID 37; appeal ref 20/00006/REF). This is the CLOPUD appeal. Click on Enforcement Appeals tab (, and you can see the two EN Appeals (Appeal ID 50 & 51, appeal ref ENF/2017/0171).

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